
A wide variety of konjac sponge products, Annual exports are more than a million pieces.

There Are 3 Kinds Of Dirty Things On The Face

2022/07/12 14:44:04

There are 3 kinds of dirty things on the face, which are discarded keratinocytes, oil secreted by sebaceous glands and dust attachments in the ambient air.

Traditional hand washing, which can only clean the surface of the skin, can easily cause dirt to accumulate and clog pores, so that the skin can not fully absorb the following skin care products.

HIJU Konjac Sponge Cleanser (natural konjac, suitable for all skin types) is super soft, super elastic and has built-in repair function. Long-term use can dispel blackheads, delicate skin, which is a sense of security that other washers can not give.


Name: Aimee

Whatsapp: +00852-62143726


Phone: +00852-62143726